"You will look gorgeous whatever you choose to wear, dear. I only ask that if there's tech swag to be had, score as much as possible."
So wrote Supportive Partner Man (denizen of the Nerd Lair!) in a comment at the end of my previous post about BlogHer '12.
I've been told that the companies represented at this weekend's event hand out metric tons of stuff to the many conventioneers. And some people, apparently, get into, um, collecting. Some veterans will warn you to be wary and watch you don't get into a fistfight over the heaping helpings of swag. Others say it's not a big deal.
I don't know. I'd be happy just to pick up some nice pens. I'm always losing them.
But I've been charged by my dear one to snag some flash drives if they're handy. Oh, and, for the love of all that's holy, be sure to submit my name if anyone's doing a drawing for iPads or cool software/games.
Because we geek in so many ways at Chez T.
Tech. Books. Video games. Legos. Sci-fi. Disney. And, of course, anywhere that these areas may cross over. For example, the 30th anniversary of Epcot — where tech and Disney get together and party — is coming up in October. SPM (Imagineer groupie!) is beyond stoked that we'll be in WDW for that event.
We're always looking for ways to further fortify our geek-fu dojo. Our basement family room is, in fact, the Nerd Lair. I can't take any credit for the moniker. Another blogger I've read for a long while, Lori Summers, coined the term for a room in her house, and it just stuck with us because it's so bloody appropriate. It's packed to the rafters with Penn State memorabilia, movies, CDs, giant Lego Star Wars models, scads of wired, blinking electronic devices and a fully-stocked bar.
But whether I come home with anything more than what I left with or not, I was made to stop fretting about shoes and feel much better about my potential BH social experience last night. I found out that my buddy April and I will not be the only Whovians in the house.
We've stumbled upon a fellow conventioneer who is the co-author of "Goodnight, Pond." This upcoming book, based on the classic "Goodnight, Moon," is being done as a parody of the British sci-fi classic "Doctor Who." I can't wait to meet her ... and read it. I also am seriously looking forward to meeting some new people with similar frames of reference.
Besides the aforementioned co-author, a few more geek-adjacent personnel have popped out of the BlogHer woodwork as well. We even briefly discussed making an attempt to hit the Who-themed bar in Brooklyn, The Way Station, to watch the first in a four-pack of BBC America Doctor Who specials. However, that was just a bit too much to try and squeeze into what's shaping up to be a jam-packed couple of days. (So the DVR is set to snag, bag and tag the Who-y goodness so I may watch when I get home. Which reminds me, I also must catch up on Warehouse 13 and Breaking Bad. But that's a whole other post.)
Instead, I think we'll likely settle for catching up at a breakfast and speculating on the upcoming season, the impending new companion and the utter badassery of the weeping angels.
Works for me. Speak geek, will travel.
Now, if I can just find a sponsor who's handing out sonic screwdrivers...
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