Sunday, July 29, 2012

Playing dress-up

     The impending trip to BlogHer '12 has me facing a challenge I seldom like to stare down: my closet.
     However, the pre-BH Facebook group of which I am a member features seemingly countless threads pertaining to what I will be wearing, on both my tubby person and my wide, but otherwise undistinguished feet. The photos of the 12 pairs of shoes, 16 sparkly tops and 10 stylish dresses some conventioneers are toting along have me hyperventilating. That's primarily because, in terms of what I wear, I long ago decided to agree with a concept brought forth by the late, great Gilda Radner:

"I base my fashion sense on what doesn't itch."

     I am the anti-fashionista.
     I dress well only when I absolutely must. Weddings, funerals, job interviews, weeknights in the office. Otherwise it's jeans/shorts, flip-flops/sneakers and T-shirts. The only thing remotely girly about me is my enjoyment of a well-timed spa service. (Someone remind me to write about the joys of Hershey's Chocolate Spaaaaaaah sometime, OK?)
     However, at BH, there is are dressy-dressy parties out the wazoo, including a party called "Sparklecorn." Folks are going all out about being as spangly-dangly as possible for it. I do not sparkle. Not on a plane or a train, neither with a fox nor in a box, to go all Dr. Seuss on you. Nope, I do not sparkle here or there; I do not sparkle anywhere.
     I can see why some might want to at least do the business casual thing at the conference itself. There will be an expo floor to mix, mingle and do the sponsorship mating dance with representatives of more than 115 brands from Canon to Land O' Lakes to Logitech.    
     But I want to travel light: a tote bag with a toothbrush, a change of clothes and my iPad. It's New York City in August, and I am going primarily to attend sessions that I hope will give my aging brain a booster shot of enthusiasm and a some much-needed instruction in new media. I just want to get a podcasting tutorial and a better grasp of SEO. Can't I just wear shorts, sneakers and a T-shirt and lurk in comfort?
     I have the better part of four days to decide.


  1. Jeans, sneakers, flips, and geeky accesories. That is what I am wearing. As long as I am neat and clean and looking like myself that is all I care about. And no sparkle for me. And don't forget you have a boa for Sparklecorn. And you have me. I wouldn't worry about anything else. Also keep in mind a lot of people in the fb group are moms that are leaving their families and looking to party. That's not us. We are free and fun and rock everyday.

  2. You will look gorgeous whatever you choose to wear, dear. I only ask that if there's tech swag to be had, score as much as possible.

  3. Having the Shakespeare t-shirt, what else could one need?
